Odds Review: Week Ending 12/03

We're almost at the end of selection season meaning this week has seen the usual late flood of new additions. Switzerland came first in presenting one of the most jury friendly songs of the year in my opinion with Austria close behind with one of the least. With Israel also arriving soon after Teya and Selena its possible we have 3 of the eventual top 10 there and they are all rehearsals I look forward to. The UK let the side down somewhat with ‘I Wrote A Song’ perhaps suggesting last year was a one-off rather than start of a bold new era. Mae Muller is not a ‘bad’ selection exactly but the drift should be even more severe to be honest.

Sweden's coronation of Loreen took place as expected pushing them odds on whilst Portugal have made the best fist of qualifying in selecting Mimicat.

Elewhere one of the least inspiring internal selections was finally confirmed earlier with the release of Greece's ‘What They Say’ whilst Azerbaijan challenge for that honour tomorrow with TuralTuranX. Armenia is due on Wednesday and Georgia at some point soon to conclude the lineup. We're at around a 97% chance to have heard the winner so Brunette and Iru have their work cut out even if expectations for both are relatively high.

Ukraine’s chances have also took a hit with opposers emboldened by Maria Sur’s result in melodifestivalen. It would be dangerous to read so much into that in my opinion and they remain the most unpredictable angle in this puzzle.


Odds Review: Week Ending 19/03


Odds Review: Week Ending 05/03