Odds Review- Week Ending 10/01/20

It’s been a quiet week with significant news thin on the ground. We have heard Eden Alene’s potential songs for Israel in their final studio form. ‘Ue La La’ remains the best option but the outright market naturally remains uninterested. Greece have also announced that Stefania will sing ‘Last Dance’. The word is cautious optimism and Greece have shortened ever so slightly.

Elsewhere, Sweden have closed the gap to the top despite little further news. Of course, very small amounts are moving the market but this is still notable, especially considering insider knowledge has been seen previously with Sweden, most notably with in play Meldodifestivalen odds. The question with Sweden is who is the Eurovision winner in their field? Danny Saucedo with his Swedish language pop? Eric Saade? Tusse? The Mama’s? a song called ‘Little Tot’? None of the MF favourites scream Eurovision winner at this stage although it’s hard to argue against Sweden’s price too much.

Australia have seen a bit more love with the news that Diane Warren has wrote a song under consideration. It’s a hard balancing act with Montaigne. Do the Australian’s allow her to be authentic or try to mould a more voteable artist? Finland have been teasing their acts for UMK and the impression is there will be some higher profile participants this year, making them a sharp climber in the rankings.

Bulgaria have also nudged ahead of Iceland ever so slightly, going top of the pile. With both countries possessing two of the strongest PR machines, we’re unlikely to see too much movement away from the top from now until March when we will finally hear the entries. The leading contenders as a whole have tightened their grasp with the market as yet unable to see past the countries that were strong last time around.


Odds Review- Week Ending 17/01/20


Odds Review- Week Ending 03/01/20