Slovenia 2024: Raiven with ‘Veronika’

Slovenia have wisely given the general standard of their national finals once more gone internal with Raiven’s ‘Veronika’ making it’s debut earlier tonight:

At surface level Slovenia are showing increased ambition or at least awareness of where best to allocate their resources and this is a very well produced produced song with a strong music video to go along with it. On the negatives however, there’s not much of a melody and barely a hook within earshot. I’ve listened to this 3 times over the past hour and could not hum a second whilst entries eliminated from mgp still linger- that’s a bad competitive sign.

Raiven is a strong enough performer and vocalist but again those aren’t the reasons she has needed an internal selection; the Eurovision fandom might be down for some fierce slayage and something artsy but the voting public less so and here the issues are compounding. This is all fine to listen to but where’s the reason to vote? The expected comparisons with Iceland 2017 and Georgia 2023 are very much applicable.

I appreciate Raiven’s commitment to her vision, but racking up points in a song contest is a separate question. One can achieve both, however instinct is this is not one of those cases.

I’ll assume borderline until we get the allocation draw- should this make the final juries will likely have more well rounded and conventional songs to get hard over but there’s enough to tick over. Overall, perhaps something similar to last years result around 20th is likeliest, albeit with a different scoring breakdown.

I’ll add one disclaimer that I’ll be interested to see what can be done live; this is a lower predicted entry but is one with a little potential - if we can get that visual hook to make up for the lack of a musical one that would be a start.

Personal Rating: 6/10

Competitive Rating: 5/10

Early Prediction: Semi Final 8th-11th, 17th-21st if in the final.


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