Odds Review- Week Ending 11/04

It’s been the quietest week of the season so far with little reason for much movement in the odds.

Greece are one of the few countries to have any justification around their move. It’s been a relatively common rumour- even from last year’s ‘Superg!rl’- that Fokas and the dream team were planning something big here and the rumours have solidified this week, causing a brief flurry before some levelling out. Again, if it comes off is the key phrase as alluded to in my last look at the field.

France have continued their gradual rise in the odds going as low as mid 5s yesterday before being pushed back slightly. The Barbara love-in has of course seen our other French ballad in Switzerland’s ‘Tout L’Universe’ heading in the opposite direction. Malta have lost some slight ground overall heading back to 5s and the gap at the top has narrowed. The Maltese delegation appear to be stepping their efforts up a notch and- whilst justified in my opinion, the push back against ‘Voila’ may not be entirely natural…

In the rest of the pack it’s pretty much as you were with some small gains for Italy, Iceland and Norway. Belgium also creep back under 100-1 with Moldova heading into triple figures. Romania have also seen some support and with Russia heading the other way a sizeable gap is forming between the ‘dark horses’ and the even darker horses.


Odds Review- Week Ending 18/04


Odds Review- Week Ending 04/04