Finland 2021- Blind Channel with ‘Dark Side’

Blind Channel were the odds on favourites and have duly won UMK21, meaning they will take their ‘Dark Side’ to Rotterdam in May:

One advantage that Rock (if we’re putting everything into one broad genre) has at Eurovision is it usually has the field to itself. We’ve already seen this in play in some of the national selections this year too with Lillasyster and Jorn going through in Sweden and Norway- average songs within the genre, but hey, they stand out. Although Tornike has yet to reveal his entry, it's likely to be on the ‘calmer’ side of things, giving ‘Dark Side’ a good little niche. The question is; can Blind Channel get any more than that niche? Closest bedfellows AWS (Rip Örs) could only pick up that fairly base 60 odd points from the televote. Is there anything here that gives this the novelty of Hatari or Lordi? I don't think so, Is this as accessible as Manga or even Eldrine? Again, no.

Just to focus on Manga-The most credible, mainstream act I've listed, they '“only” received 177 points from the televote in a weak year, with a high profile and with Turkey's diaspora behind them. I don't see how ‘Dark Side’ can get to those sort of numbers to compensate for what you can bet your life will be a lower and probably harsh jury score.

Every year is different of course but personally and against the spirit of ‘Dark Side’, I'm going with the established trend.

I think they're a qualifier, and I don't rule out a good finish. I've touched on the accessibility, but it's not out of the question this balls to the wall effort can pick up wide support to add to the base level. Even then however, I think there is a definite ceiling to Finland's chances.

Personal Rating: 3/10. Competitive Rating: 7/10. Early Prediction: Semi 2 5th-9th, Final 10th-15th


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