Malta 2022: Emma Muscat with ‘I Am What I Am’

Here’s the new Maltese effort:

To be honest, a lot of the review for ‘Out of Sight’ still applies here: it’s going to be no-ones favourite and again gives of an air of fake-ness this time with the cliched self-worth message and inclusive video rather than little kid theme. Tv will still have this out, juries may have it in but not push it hard enough is still my impression.

There’s a small benefit in changing to this one with having much more of a hook and trying to jump on the gospel trend may sneak a couple more jury points. Really though this was hardly worth the messing around and can expect maybe 5-10 points more max in the semi, if any which still leaves it borderline. I suppose if it narrowly crawls through then sure, well done Malta, but this is a missed opportunity really.

Personal Rating: 2/10

Competitive Rating: 4/10

Early Prediction: Semi 2 9th-13th, 21st-25th if in the final.


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